Reseller Agreement
We understand that our Reseller Agreement is a lengthy legal document that may be
hard to understand. For your convenience, we have included a summary below. This summary is NON-BINDING, whereas
the official reseller agreement is BINDING. This summary exists strictly for your convenience and has no legal
implications of any kind.
As a reseller, you agree to
- Market and sell our products to end users
- Support those end users on reasonable and favorable terms
As a reseller, you agree NOT to
- Disclose to anyone the reseller price schedule.
- Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise try to rip off Xima Software products.
- Modify the software in any way, shape, or form.
As a reseller, you understand that
- You buy and sell licenses to use Xima's software. The actual software ownership remains with Xima Software
- Xima Software is not liable for losses or damages of any kind incurred by end users as a result of actions
undertaken or not undertaken by redistributors, resellers, or end users.
- Xima Software reserves the right to change the Reseller Agreement and pricing schedule at any time. Changes
will become effective once they are posted to our website. It is your responsibility to be aware of such